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Beautifully drifting Icelandic electronics… Parallels could include certain Erased Tapes artists, but really Tonik Ensemble are working in a field of their own. Clash Magazine

Sometimes, “dance music” goes beyond its implied mission of moving people’s feet, and moves them in other ways, too. An educated, simmering take on house-techno-pop, it’s a lush production of cello, saxophone and various differing styles of vocals, all laid over a rich base of synth pulses and languid rhythms with a dark, emotional tint.


Tonik Ensemble - Constant

Single / 2023

Kitty Florentine - Inside (Tonik Ensemble Remix)

Remix / 2023

Einarindra - Without You (Tonik Ensemble Remix)

Remix / 2021

Octal Industries - Asleep (Tonik Ensemble Remix)

Remix / 2020

Stillhead - Spirit Remains (Tonik Ensemble Remix)

Remix / 2018

port-royal - Alma M. (Tonik Ensemble Remix)

Remix / 2016

Tonik Ensemble – Snapshots

Album / 2015

Tonik Ensemble – Until We Meet Again

EP / 2014

SísýEy - Ain´t Got Nobody (Tonik Remix)

Remix / 2013


"Beautifully drifting Icelandic electronics… Parallels could include certain Erased Tapes artists, but really Tonik Ensemble are working in a field of their own." – Clash Magazine

Just as every landscape painting is ultimately a self-portrait, where every mark of the brush suggests truths hiding beneath shapes, so in every note, instrument, or sound, musicians and performers communicate with clarity that extends beyond the limits of verbal language. Music is not simply an expression but rather an extension of self. ‘ Constant’ is a new single by Tonik Ensemble; excluding remixes and light installations, the first original offering since 2015.

Musician Anton Kaldal Ágústsson expands the methods developed on ‘Snapshots’ and crafts a distinctive palette of electronics at the counterpoint of sound and sight. Intricate moments that invite eyes to be rested and time and place to be relative for a while. Through synaesthesia, Anton implements theories of color, form and visual compositions into music resulting in layered soundscapes akin to Jon Hopkins, Moderat or Tim Hecker.

‘Constant’ includes ethereal voice of icelander DíSA who has contributed her talent to Trentemoller ́s recent music and tour band . The title comes from a time-traveling episode with the same name from the TV series Lost. The song is a meditation on belonging in a universe so vast that you are nothing more than a dust speck.

. ‘Constant’ is the first taste from ‘Music is Mass’, an album and a sonic time capsule charged into 40 minutes. Life, sense and experience crafted into a world of layered soundscapes that at times carefully wrap you in a warm blanket while later pushes you into a harsh winter storm. Seeking inspiration from Agnes Obel and Talk Talk the sounds explore the value of time and craft in an era when you can train and text prompt.


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